martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

Safety in the Science Laboratory

Safety in the Science Laboratory

Safety during investigations

It is important that you take to be safe during any scientific investigation:

1. You have to have a good preparation, this help you stay safe during a science activities

2. Preparing for a lab should begin the day before you will perform the lab. It is important to read the procedure carefully and make sure you understand all the directions. Also review the material and equipment you will use. Whenever you perform a science lab, always follow your teacher’s instructions. You should never try anything on your own without asking your teacher first. Keep your work area clean and organized.

The safety symbols alert you to possible dangers that are performing the lab.

Biohazard Warning Organic Peroxide Hot surface Poisonous

End-of-lab procedures: When you have finished lab, clean your area, turn off and unplug equipment.

In case of an accident: When any accident occurs, no matter how minor, notify your teacher INMEDEATLY, then listen to your teacher’s directions and carry them out quickly.

Safety and First-aid Procedures

1. Burns: Immense burns in cold water

2. Cuts: cover cuts with clean dressing

3. Spills on Skin: flush the skin with large amounts of water.

4. Foreign object in eye: flush the eye with large amounts of water. Seek medical attention.



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