domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

“Key terms and Key concepts”

“Key terms.”

1.-Science: Is a way of learning about the natural world, it is also the knowledge gained by exploring the natural world.

2.-Observing: Using one or more of your senses to gather information.

3.-Quantitative observations: Deal with a number or amount.

4.-Qualitative observations: Deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers.

5.-Infering: Is the action of explain or interpret the things you observe.

6.-Life Science: Is the study of the living things (Biology).

7.-Predicting: A forecast of what will happen in the future.

8.-Making models: Involves create representations of complex subjects.

9.-Technology: Technology is the thing that helps you make life easier.

10.-Engineer: Is the person who is trained to use both technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

11.-Organism: A living thing that can be multicellular or unicellular.

12.-Cell: All organisms are made of small building blocks called cells.

13.-Unicellular: singled called organisms, include bacteria.

14.-Multicellular: Organisms are composed of many cells that are specialized to do certain tasks.

15.-Response: Is the act that a cause the organism to react is called a stimulus.

16.-Development: the process of change that occurs during an organism´s life to produce a more complex organism.

17.-Spontaneus generation: The mistaken idea that living things can arise from nonliving sources.

18.-Autotroph: The organisms that make their own food

19.-Heterotroph: The organisms that cannot make their own food

20.-Homeostasis: the maintenance of stable internal conditions in ann organisms.

21.-Scientific inquiry: Is to consider the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence they gather.

22.-Hyphotesis: Is a possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a scientific question.

23.-Variable: An amount of things.

24.-Controlled experiment: An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at time.

25.-Manipulated experiment: One variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.

26.-Responding variable: is the factor in response to the manipulated variable.

27.-Operational definition: a statement that describes how to measure a particular variable or how to define a particular term.

28.-Data: Is the facts, figure, and other evidence to get through observations.

29.-Communicating: the process of sharing ideas with others through writing and speaking.

30.-Classification: Is the process of grouping things based on their similarities.

31.-Taxonomy: Is the study of how living things are classified.

32.-Binomial nomenclature: A system of naming organisms.

33.-Genus: Is a classification grouping that contains similar closely related organisms.

34.-Species: Is a group of organisms that are physicall similar and can mate with each other and produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce.

35.-Prokavyote: bacteria and Achaea.

36.-Nucleus: Nucleus is a dense area in a cell that contains nucleic acids.

37.-Eukaryote: An organism whose cells contain nuclei.

“Key concepts.”

1.-What skills do scientists use to learn about the natural world?
R= Observe, Infer, Predict, Classify, Make models.

2.-What is scientific inquiry?
R=is consider the diverse ways in which scientist study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence they gather.

3.-What make a hypothesis testable?
R=this means that research must be able to carry out investigations and gather evidences that will either support or disapprove the hypothesis.

4.-What attitudes are important in science?
R=curiosity, honesty, open-mindedness and skepticism, creativity…

5.-What is the goal of technology?
R= Make life easier.

6.- Why is preparation important when carrying out scientific investigations in the lab and in the field?
R=to be safe during the investigation.

7.- What you should do if an ancient occurs?
R= when any accident occurs, no matter how minor, notify your teacher immediately.

8.-What characteristics do all living things share?
R= Cellular organization, response and chemicals.



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