jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Chemicals compounds in cells

Elements: an element is any substance that can not be broken down into simple substances.

Compounds: are two or more elements combine chemically.
The compound call water: the water molecule is made of two-hydrogen atorms and one oxygen atorm. Most chemical reactions within cell couldn’ take place without water .

Organic and inorganic compound:

* most compounds contain carbon, this are called organism compounds
carbohydrates: food such a fruits and some vegetables have a high sugar content, your body breaks down it into gluise that your cells can use to produce energy.

Lipids: fats oil and waxes are a energy-rits organic compound because contain seven more energy than carbohydrates.

Proteins: are a large organic molecules made of CHONS, food that are high in protein includes: meat, nuts, breaks, fish eggs etc…
*Protein molecules are made of amino-acids.
*Proteins make up many of the organelles within the cell and some structures in the human body.
*An enzyme is a protein that speeds up a chemical reaction in a living thing.

Nucleic acids: are very long organic molewles made of CHOP and nucleic acids contain the structions that cells need to carry out the functions of life.

There are two kinds of nucleic acid
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid: is the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed romp rents to offspring.
RNA deoxyribonucleic acid : plays an important tale in the production of proteins.

By Regina Lara Ibañez

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