sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009

Mendel´s work (p110-115)

In the mid nineteen century a priest named Gregory Mendel discovery the heredity. Heredity is the passing of physical characteristics is called trait. Mendel discoveries form the foundation of generals, the scientific study of heredity.

Mendel´s experiments:
Mendel crossed plants that had different traits and developed a method by which is cross pollinated or “crossed” pea plants. In the experiments they use the fertilization. Fertilization is the process to form when egg and sperm. He started his experiments with pea plants. A purebred organism is the offspring of many of many generations that have the same trait.

Mendel reached several conclusions on the basis of his experimental use.

The factors that consist each trait exist in pairs. The female parent contributes the other factor. Today scientists use the word gene for the factor that controls a trait. Alleles are the different forms of alleles are dominant, while other alleles are recessive. A recessive alleles will only show up if the organism does not have the dominant allele.

The importance of Mendel´s discovery was not recognized during his lifetime. Then in 1900 three different scientists rediscovered Mendel´s work. These scientists quickly recognized the importance of Mendel´s ideas.

By Monique Velasco Saldaña

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